The taxonomy of this animal from kingdom to species are Animalia-Chordata-Mammalia-Cetacea-Delphinidae-Orcinus-Orca. The colour of this whale is very unusual this creatures has black on top and white on the undersides. The lifespan of this creatures is different between the male and female. the male could live 50-60 years while the female could live until 100 years old. You can see this creature live in all parts of the ocean but mostly you can see this creature in a cold water like antartica, northern atlantic and pacific ocean. They often work on groups
The female reach maturity when they are about 15-17 feet long. The gestation of the killer whale is about 15-18 months. The birth could take place anywhere there is no season nor place for the killer whale to get birth. The calves may be weaned for about 1-2 years. The behaviour of this creatures are this creature are highly social animal that travel in group of whales called pods. Each pods contains 5-30 whales. each pod usually is lead by a female whale and every pod has it's own languange
These days killer whale also trained by the human to do performances for entertainment. They usually work in group and do something awesome like a back flip spitting water and the others. One of place that trains the killer whale is Seaward SHAMU. They trained the animal from the year 2010